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What to Expect


When you arrive... 


Parking: When you arrive at Highlands, you'll drive in towards the back of the church property. There are some designated 'visitor parking' spaces along the way on your left.   If you need to park closer, the "TLC" (Tender Loving Care) and Handicap parking places are on the side of the church buildings. Hopefully, it won't be a long walk from anywhere in our parking area!

              We'll be glad you are here!   We may not have a 'red carpet,' but you are so welcome in this place!




While you are here... 

Sunday School for all ages starts at 9 a.m. Our Sunday school classes for all ages PreK and up take place in Harris Hall (the brown building on the east side of the courtyard).  Our nursery is available to provide care for children 3 and under in the Dr. David Lee Family Life Center (the building with colorful doors on the west side of the courtyard).  If you need help, ask one of the friendly faces you'll find wandering around.   

Worship is at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary. (The building with the high peak at the front of campus.) We are casual, moderately traditional, liturgical, inclusive, and have come to appreciate and expect the unexpected.


Casual means you'll see some 'Sunday Dress Up' clothes, but mostly 'come as you are comfortable.' We feel like the 'come to worship' part is far more important than the 'what to wear.'


Moderately traditional means that we have a 'blended worship' atmosphere with a combination of new and old, modern and classic, and young and older. On the last Sunday of the month, our students help to lead the worship service.


Liturgical means we follow the liturgical calendar and observe Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. We use the 'lectionary' which is a three-year cycle of scripture readings so that we hear from all parts of the Bible and not just the pastor's favorites.


Inclusive means we believe that all people are created in God's image, equally good. And we have hope for all people into eternity. All of God's children are welcome and wanted here. 


We take worship seriously but understand that praising God is a joyful opportunity. So we aren't afraid to laugh or cry, as we embrace God's presence in our midst. We experience worship that is planned, but is also 'in the now'.


After worship, we gather in the Family Life Center for a great cup of coffee, or some punch, and a treat or two. It's also a great opportunity to meet and greet some folks and find out a little more about our church.


Join us! You'll be glad and so will we!

Location & Contact Info

Find us... 

We are located at 10900 McCormick Rd. (32225). In front of our campus, you will see a welcoming sign and a beautiful cross on a hill.


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We are people from all walks of life, people who grew up in a wide variety of churches, Protestant and Roman Catholic, and people with no church background at all. We are full of faith and honest about our doubts and mistakes.




10900 Mc Cormick Rd
Jacksonville, Fl 32225


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